Spinal tuberculosis is the most frequent skeletal involvement in tuberculos
The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the importance of the MRI and
the helicoidal CT scan in the diagnosis of spinal tuberculosis. A retrospec
tive study was conducted in 23 patients with spinal tuberculosis. The metho
ds of investigation were helicoidal CT scan in 15 patients and MRI in the o
ther eight patients. In the all cases with helicoidal CT scan, the features
of rite spinal tuberculosis were seen as an anterior vertebral body destru
ction with a paraspinal or epidural extension in 12 cases and a sequestrum
formation in 5 cases. The analysis with helicoidal CT scan showed a gibbous
deformity in 5 cases, a disk space narrowing in 14 cases and evaluated the
extension very well.
The MR imaging features showed one case in an early stage without features
on the plain radiographs, and detected 3 cases of intramedullary intramedul
lary lesions. A disruption of the longitudinal posterior vertebral ligament
was found in one case and skip lesions at the granulomatous stage in 2 cas
MRI is superior to CT scan even helicoidal CT at the entry lesion stage ski
p lesions and the ligamentous or medullary lesions. For other lesions (bone
, disk, extension), the MRI and CT scan are the same with an advantage for
CT scan in osseous lesions.