We report on the three-dimensional electron momentum densities (EMD) of gra
phite and fullerene obtained by a so-called (gamma, e gamma) experiment, i.
e. the coincident detection of an inelastically scattered hard x-ray photon
with its recoil electron. A monochromatized flux of 10(12) photons s(-1) a
t 150 keV from the high-energy x-ray wiggler beamline of the ESRF was direc
ted onto thin graphite or fullerene targets. Comparison with a pseudopotent
ial and a full-potential linear muffin-tin orbital calculation in the case
of graphite is made. Inclusion of electron correlation via the Lam-Platzman
correction is discussed. The experimental EMD of C-60 shows stronger elect
ron delocalization in the 'buckyball' compared to graphite, which is suppor
ted by theory.