Patterns of brain activation associated with covert performance of the Stro
op Color-Word task were studied in young, healthy, adult volunteers using b
lood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) functional magnetic resonance imaging (f
MRI). Comparisons of the incongruous Stroop condition were made with both c
olor naming and word reading baselines. Areas of the left and right anterio
r cingulate, the right precuneus, and the left pars opercularis displayed l
arger BOLD signal responses during the incongruous Stroop condition than du
ring baseline conditions. Activation of BOLD signals in these areas was hig
hly repeatable. In a second experiment,pupil diameter was used to assess co
gnitive load in 7 individuals studied during overt and covert performance o
f both Stroop and color naming conditions. Cognitive load was similar in ov
ert and covert response conditions. Results from the BOLD study indicate th
at brain regions participating in selective visual attention and in the sel
ection of motor programs involved in speech were activated more by the Stro
op task than by the baseline tasks. The neural substrate involved in the re
solution of the perceptual and motor conflicts elicited by the Stroop Color
-Word task does not appear to be a single brain region. Rather, a network o
f brain regions is implicated, with separate regions within this system sup
porting distinct functions.