Roasting of the soaked paddy (roasting-parboiling) appeared to cause an inc
rease in the proportion of the high-molecular-weight component of starch, s
eparated in Fraction-I, probably due to retrogradation. The solubility of s
tarch also decreased. Flaking of roasted-parboiled paddy in the traditional
edge-runner flaker did not cause any further appreciable change in the pro
portion of Fraction-I and Fraction-II. Flaking in the roller-flaker unit, o
n the other hand, caused a decrease in the proportion of Fraction-I, indica
ting molecular breakdown of starch. The total starch solubility increased m
arginally in edge-runner flakes but substantially in roller-flaker flakes.
Fractionation of starch that was soluble in hot water showed that the major
amount of amylose equivalent resided in this portion; as revealed by a hig
her proportion of Fraction-II and a high lambda(max) of the peak of this fr
action. When retrogradation was induced in the flakes under appropriate con
ditions of moisture and temperature, the content of the high-molecular-weig
ht Fraction-I of total starch increased slightly in edge-runner flakes but
markedly in roller-flaker flakes, indicating an aggregation or reassociatio
n of starch molecules or its fractions. (C) 1999 Society of Chemical Indust