Geum montanum L. is an alpine plant usually found at altitudes between 1700
and 2600 m. Its wintergreen leaves can be subjected to very low temperatur
es and at the same time receive high photon flux densities at the beginning
of the growth season when the snow melts. We report results of a study, pe
rformed with classical methods of biophysics, showing that leaves of G, mon
tanum were remarkably tolerant to sunlight even at low temperatures. This t
olerance results from the interplay of photorespiration and CO2 photosassim
ilation. When temperatures approach 0 degrees C, responses include stomatal
opening and CO2 uptake even under desiccation stress. This permits linear
electron transport that is sufficient to avoid the excessive reduction of t
he electron transport chain which is known to lead to photodamage. In addit
ion, excitation energy was shifted from photo system (PS)II to PSI which is
a very efficient energy quencher. Sensitivity of P700 in PSI to oxidation
by far-red light was decreased and rates of dark reduction of photooxidized
P700 were increased by actinic illumination, suggesting activation of cycl
ic electron transport. Consistent with this, far-red light was able to decr
ease the quantum yield of PSII (measured by the F-v/F-m ratio of chlorophyl
l fluorescence). We suggest that cyclic electron transport decreases the lu
menal pH under strong light. In the presence of zeaxanthin, this increases
energy dissipation at the PSII level. At low temperatures, P700 remained st
rongly oxidized under high irradiation while the primary electron acceptor
of PSII, Q(A), was largely reduced. This shows efficient control of electro
n transport presumably at the level of the cytochrome b/f complex and sugge
sts formation of a protective transthylakoid proton gradient even when line
ar electron transport is much reduced in the cold. Thus, several mechanisms
cooperate to effectively protect the photosynthetic apparatus of G. montan
um from photodamage. We see no indication of destructive "photo-stress" in
this species during the growth season under alpine low-temperature and drou
ght conditions.