Purpose. Development of a mathematical model to provide information about t
he amount of water associated with a protein and an excipient in a lyophili
zed product.
Methods. The moisture content of the product and the mass fraction of each
component were used to derive a model for the calculation of the mass of wa
ter associating with each component. The model was applied to lyophilized f
ormulations of rhDNase containing various amounts of mannitol or lactose. T
he total water content was investigated by thermogravimetry, crystalline pr
operties by X-ray powder diffraction and water uptake behaviour using a moi
sture microbalance system.
Results. Calculations based on the model suggest that in a lyophilized rhDN
ase-mannitol formulation where the sugar is crystalline, most of the water
is taken up by the protein. However, in the lyophilized rhDNase-lactose for
mulation where the sugar is amorphous, water is taken up by both the sugar
and protein to a comparative extent. At high relative humidities when the a
morphous sugar undergoes crystallization, the model can accommodate such a
change by allowing for the formation of an additional crystalline phase.
Conclusions. The rhDNase-sugar formulations show excellent conformity to th
e model which provides quantitative information about the distribution of w
ater in the lyophilized binary protein-excipient products.