A radio-collared Chaetomys subspinosus was studied in a reserve of mon
tane Atlantic forest in Santa Teresa, Espirito Santo, south-eastern Br
azil. The animal was followed during three sampling nights, totalling
17 hours of observation. It was possible to collect data on activity p
attern and habitat use through the use of scan sampling at 10-minute i
ntervals. C. subspinosus exhibited an arboreal and strictly nocturnal
habit, starting activity around dusk and retiring to a sleeping tree b
efore the sunrise. Overall, it is a lethargic and slow-moving animal,
spending most of the night time resting (68 % of scans). Feeding was a
ssociated with moving, and these activities occurred in 18 % and 11 %
of the scans, respectively. Auto-grooming was observed in the remainin
g observation time (3 % of scans). C. subspinosus was observed eating
only tree leaves, and leaf fragments were the only material found in i
ts faeces as well. These observations suggest that Chaetomys is an noc
turnal, arboreal folivore, exhibiting great similarity in habit and ha
bitat use with true erethizontids such as Sphiggurus and Coendou. Alth
ough rarely seen, Chaetomys seems to adapt to disturbed habitats throu
ghout its range and its conservation status may be better than previou
sly thought.