Classical and quantum statistical mechanics are cast here in the language o
f projective geometry to provide a unified geometrical framework for statis
tical physics. After reviewing the Hilbert-space formulation of classical s
tatistical thermodynamics, we show that the specification of a canonical po
larity on the real projective space RPn induces a Riemannian metric on the
state space of statistical mechanics. In the case of the canonical ensemble
, equilibrium thermal states are determined by a Hamiltonian gradient how w
ith respect to this metric. This flow is characterized by the property that
it induces a projective automorphism on the state manifold. The measuremen
t problem for thermal systems is studied by the introduction of the concept
of a random state. The general methodology is extended to establish a new
framework for the quantum-mechanical dynamics of equilibrium thermal states
. In this case, the relevant phase space is the complex projective space CP
n, here regarded as a real manifold Gamma endowed with the Fubini-Study met
ric and a compatible symplectic structure. A distinguishing feature of quan
tum thermal dynamics is the inherent multiplicity of thermal trajectories i
n the state space, associated with the non-uniqueness of the infinite-tempe
rature state. We are then led to formulate a geometric characterization of
the standard KMS relation often considered in the context of C* algebras. F
inally, we develop a theory of the quantum microcanonical and canonical ens
embles, based on the geometry of the quantum phase space Gamma. The example
of a quantum spin-1/2 particle in a heat bath is studied in detail.