'Continental interior' was originally defined as a geographic concept on th
e example of Central Asia. Later James Dwight Dana used it in a geological
context, when he argued that North America was an ideal continent with a lo
w, old, stable interior and higher, younger, more active periphery. This pi
cture was thought satisfactory from the viewpoint of fixist tectonics for m
ore than a century, although it was clear that it did not account for the s
tructure of Eurasia. Neither in Asia nor in Europe cratons and/or areas of
gentle deformation outside orogenic belts coincide with the continental int
erior. Mobilist tectonics, and especially its plate tectonics version, made
clear that in a world where continents are constantly united and re-disper
sed, such non-coincidence with continental interior, however it may be defi
ned, is exactly what one would expect. If, however, after isolation by rift
ing and/or transform-fault-displacement, no plate boundary cuts across a co
ntinent, the lithosphere beneath it would cool and thicken. If this lithosp
here is also made up of high Mg/Mg + Fe residual material left after making
basalt, it would be lighter than pristine mantle lithosphere. Such lithosp
here would be resistant to subduction and to deformation. It would thus pro
tect the portion of the continent overlying it, giving rise to a craton. Cr
atonic keels of 300 km or deeper can be generated by shortening a depleted
mantle cushion that normally reaches down to some -150 km by similar to 50%
. In the Archaean, high geothermal gradients would eclogitise the mafic bot
tom of a continent more mafic than those that are younger and prevent its u
pper surface from rising during such a shortening. This would keep the tops
of Archaean cratons unmetamorphic or at low grades. If a continent with su
ch a deep keel is left alone for a time period on the order of 1 Ga, contin
uous cooling will render it very strong. Only very large strike-slip system
s can remain active as plate boundaries for a long time within a continenta
l interior. Therefore, if a continental interior can be kept away from such
a boundary for about 1 Ga, it inevitably will turn into a craton with low
relief, probably a high percentage (areawise) of internal drainage, and hig
h climatic continentality. Late Palaeozoic Gondwana-Land was one such regio
n. Pre-Miocene Africa was perhaps another with many features inherited from
Gondwana-Land. If India stops pushing, it is likely that Central Asia will
turn into yet another one. Plume-controlled active rifting is the only way
to destroy such a consolidated continental interior. It is thus the compos
ition and the thermal state plus the state of stress of the lithosphere und
erlying a continent that determines its tectonic behaviour and not its crus
tal structure, nor its geography. Craton formation is largely a lithospheri
c process, not a crustal one. By the very nature of the process of craton f
ormation, cratons commonly, but not always, originate within continental in
teriors, but continental interior alone can be assigned no tectonic connota
tion whatever. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.