On the fortieth anniversary of the Department of Social and Preventive Medi
cine, now renamed the Department of Community Health and Psychiatry, the co
ntribution of the Department to the development of public health in Jamaica
is briefly reviewed. The paper focuses on the challenges, goats and aspira
tions for the development of a "new" public health. The challenges include
the need for more effective public health leadership, health promotion bett
er management of the health services and health reform. The latter should p
rovide greater autonomy for the health regions and alternate ways of financ
ing health, and should improve the quality of services provided. The Depart
ment is challenged to contribute by establishing a Public Health Residency
Programme for doctors leading to a Doctor of Medicine or Doctorate in Publi
c Health; to ensure that epidemiology becomes a basic science in the underg
raduate medical curriculum, and that research plays a significant role in p
ostgraduate training of clinical specialists; and to participate move activ
ely in the actual practice of public health. A vision for health in the twe
nty-first century is given.