Involvement of the sacroiliac joints is a hallmark of the spondyloarthropat
hies, especially in ankylosing spondylitis. The conventional diagnostic ima
ging of sacroiliitis in early stages might cause problems, because sensitiv
ity of conventional radiographic methods is known to be too low in early st
ages of the disease. Magnetic resonance imaging of the sacroiliac joints ce
rtainly enables one to detect acute as well as chronic inflammatory changes
in all stages of the disease. The potential disadvantages of this method a
re the dependency on the examiner, the lack of standardization, and the rel
atively high costs. Therefore, the "Workgroup of Diagnostic Imaging in Rheu
matology of the Regional Center of Rheumatology of Berlin" including experi
enced rheumatologists, skeletal radiologists, and orthopedists acquired an
imaging graduation for detection of sacroiliitis in consideration of the cl
inical background, the technical details of the methods, questions of ioniz
ing radiation exposure, and cost effectiveness.