There is an ongoing discussion on the risk-benefit-ratio of hormonal recpla
cement therapy (HRT). Potential risks of oestrogen replacement include the
progression of malignant tumours. However postmenopausal morbidity can be s
ignificantly reduced by HRT. There is increasing evidence that oestrogens e
xercise protective effects on the cardiovascular system. HRT can reduce the
development of atherosclerotic lesions and the rate of fatal myocardial in
farction due to atherosclerosis. Oestrogens have direct and indirect effect
s on vascular physiology. Indirect effects derive from modulation of lipid
metabolism. In addition, oestrogens may exert direct effects on vascular ce
lls e. g. endothelial and smooth muscle cells by receptor-mediated mechanis
ms (so called genomic effects) and receptor-independent actions (= non-geno
mic effects). Especially these non-genomic oestrogens effects have been att
racting much attention during recent years.