We have performed a number of one-dimensional hybrid simulations (particle
ions, massless electron fluid) of quasi-parallel collisionless shocks in or
der to investigate the injection and subsequent acceleration of part of the
solar wind ions at the Earth's bow shock. The shocks propagate into a medi
um containing magnetic fluctuations, which are initially superimposed on th
e background field, as well as generated or enhanced by the electromagnetic
ion/ion beam instability between the solar wind and backstreaming ions. In
order to study the mass (M) and charge (Q) dependence of the acceleration
process He2+ is included self-consistently. The upstream differential inten
sity spectra of H+ and He2+ can be well represented by exponentials in ener
gy. The e-folding energy E-c is a function of time: E-c increases with time
. Furthermore the e-folding energy (normalized to the shock ramming energy
E-p) increases with increasing Alfven Mach number of the shock and with inc
reasing fluctuation level of the initially superimposed turbulence. When ba
ckstreaming ions leave the shock after their first encounter they exhibit a
lready a spectrum which extends to more than ten times the shock ramming en
ergy and which is ordered in energy per charge. From the injection spectrum
it is concluded that leakage of heated downstream particles does not contr
ibute to ion injection. Acceleration models that permit thermal particles t
o scatter like the non-thermal population do not describe the correct physi