We used a simple discrete-time population model to investigate how temporal
ly structured density-dependence influences a population's response to loss
due to harvesting. We assumed that reproduction is a relative discrete eve
nt in time, followed by density dependent mortality and then harvesting, or
followed by harvesting and then density-dependent mortality. Such an order
ing of events in time may have profound influences on the dynamics of the p
opulation. The extra mortality due to harvesting may either be additive or
compensatory depending on the strength of the density-dependence and the or
dering of events. Population stability is also strongly affected by the tem
poral structure of density-dependence. Moreover, the yield and the (unconst
rained) optimal harvest rate will vary depending on when harvesting occurs
in the annual cycle. We argue that a correct identification of the temporal
structure of density-dependence may be of great importance for understandi
ng population dynamics in general and population management in particular.