Background. Despite an early stage, lung cancer patients often have a poor
survival, suggesting inaccurate staging. A pleural lavage demonstrating mal
ignant cells at the time of operation may predict a poorer survival, partic
ularly in patients with otherwise early disease.
Methods. Patients, with no preoperative evidence of pleural effusions and u
ndergoing a surgical resection with curative intent, had a preresectional a
nd postresectional lavage to be evaluated by cytology.
Results. Fourteen percent of patients with stage I disease had malignant ce
lls in their preresectional lavage and had a significantly shorter survival
than stage I patients with a negative lavage. Positivity of preresectional
lavage was not correlated with nodal status, pleural or lymphatic involvem
ent, or histologic findings.
Conclusions. Preoperative pleural lavage should become a standard technique
intraoperatively to better characterize and stage patients undergoing lung
cancer resections. Patients with malignant cells in their preoperative lav
age should be upstaged. (Ann Thorac Surg 1999;67:1435-9) (C) 1999 by The So
ciety of Thoracic Surgeons.