Objective: To identify barriers to immunisation in general practice.
Method: The study was conducted in Perth, Western Australia, as a cross-sec
tional postal survey between November 1996 and January 1997. Questionnaires
were sent to all known GPs in three of the seven metropolitan Divisions of
General Practice, of whom 301 (72%) responded.
Results: When a child presented with a minor illness and there were no cont
raindications to immunisation, 62% of GPs said they would always or frequen
tly offer immunisation. Immunisation would be withheld incorrectly because
of an upper respiratory tract infection by 43% of GPs and because of antibi
otics by 50%. Combined diphtheria-tetanus vaccine (CDT) would be substitute
d incorrectly for diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine (DTP) by 41% if ther
e was an unexplained temperature of 38 degrees C following a previous dose
of DTP While more than half (56%) reported that vaccines were correctly sto
red, only 26% reported that the refrigerator temperature was checked daily.
Eighty per cent reported that they completed an Australian Childhood Immun
isation Register notification form.
Conclusions: GPs require ongoing education about contra-indications to immu
nisation and when substitution of CDT for DTP is required. There is room fo
r increased opportunistic immunisation and encouragement to notify the Aust
ralian Childhood Immunisation Register when they immunise a child.
Implications: A major challenge is to find an innovative approach that woul
d encourage and enable GPs to assess immunisation status and offer immunisa
tion where appropriate at every clinical encounter.