Previous neuroimaging and neuropsychological studies have investigated the
neural substrates which mediate responses to fearful, disgusted and happy e
xpressions, No previous studies have investigated the neural substrates whi
ch mediate responses to sad and angry expressions. Using functional neuroim
aging, we tested two hypotheses. First, we tested whether the amygdala has
a neural response to sad and/or angry facial expressions. Secondly, we test
ed whether the orbitofrontal cortex has a specific neural response to angry
facial expressions. Volunteer subjects were scanned, using PET, while they
performed a sex discrimination task involving static grey-scale images of
faces expressing varying degrees of sadness and anger. We found that increa
sing intensity of sad facial expression was associated with enhanced activi
ty in the left amygdala and right temporal pole. In addition, we found that
increasing intensity of angry facial expression was associated with enhanc
ed activity in the orbitofrontal and anterior cingulate cortex. We found no
support for the suggestion that angry expressions generate a signal in the
amygdala, The results provide evidence for dissociable, but interlocking,
systems for the processing of distinct categories of negative facial expres