BACKGROUND, Extramedullary plasmacytoma (EMP) is a rare entity belonging to
the category of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. EMPs make up 4% of all plasma cell t
umors and occur mainly in the upper aerodigestive tract (UAD). Seven patien
ts with EMP included in this evaluation were under the authors' care and ha
ve been clinically followed since 1990. Because there are no general guidel
ines for the treatment of patients with EMP, the authors tried to obtain de
tailed data about the occurrence of this disease and also reviewed the ther
apies that have been used. To do so, they evaluated all EMP cases published
in the medical literature until now and included their own experience.
METHODS. Based on the clinical course and follow-up of their own EMP patien
ts, the authors evaluated and reinvestigated all EMP cases cited in MEDLINE
, Index Medicus, DIMDI (Deutsches Institut fur medizinische Dokumentation u
nd Information, Cologne, Germany), and the reference lists of the publicati
ons found through these sources.
RESULTS. In a detailed literature search, more than 400 publications betwee
n 1905 and 1997 were found, and these revealed that EMP mainly occurs betwe
en the fourth and seventh decades of life. Seven hundred fourteen cases (82
.2%) were found in the UAD, and 155 cases (17.8%) were found in other body
regions. The following therapeutic strategies were used to treat patients w
ith EMP of the UAD: radiation therapy alone in 44.3%, combined therapy (sur
gery and radiation) in 26.9%, and surgery alone in 21.9%. The median overal
l survival or recurrence free survival was longer than 300 months for patie
nts who underwent combined intervention (surgery and radiation). This resul
t was statistically highly significant (P = 0.0027, log rank test) compared
with the results for patients who underwent surgical intervention alone (m
edian survival time, 156 months) or radiation therapy alone (median surviva
l time, 144 months). In most cases of non-UAD EMP, surgery was performed (s
urgery alone, 55.6%; surgery and radiation combined, 19.8%; radiation alone
, 11.1%), but there were no statistical differences in survival (P = 0.62).
Overall, after treatment for EMP in the UAD, 61.1% of all patients had no
recurrence or conversion to systemic involvement (i.e., multiple myeloma, M
M); however, 22.0% had recurrence of EMP, and 16.1% had conversion to MM. A
fter treatment for EMP in non-UAD areas, 64.7% of all patients had no recur
rence or MM, 21.2% had recurrence, and 14.1% had conversion to MM.
CONCLUSIONS. The current investigation provides evidence that surgery alone
gives the best results in cases of EMP of the UAD when resectability is go
od. However, if complete surgical tumor resection is doubtful or impossible
and/or if lymph node areas are affected, then combined therapy (surgery an
d radiation) is recommended. These results, which were obtained from retros
pective studies, should be confirmed in randomized trials comparing surgery
with combined radiation therapy and surgery. Cancer 1999;85:2305-14. (C) 1
999 American Cancer Society.