We formulate a deterministic mathematical model to describe the dynamics of
the microphytobenthos of intertidal mudflats. It is 'minimal' because it o
nly takes into account the essential processes governing the functioning of
the system: the aurotrophic production, the active upward and downward mig
rations of epipelic microalgae, the saturation of the mud surface by a biof
ilm of diatoms and the global net loss rates of biomass. According to the p
hotic environment of the benthic diatoms inhabiting intertidal mudflats, an
d to their migration rhythm, the model is composed of two sub-systems of or
dinary differential equations; they describe the simultaneous evolution of
the biomass 'S' concentrated in the mud surface biofilm - the photic layer
- and of the biomass 'F' diluted in the topmost centimetre of the mud - the
aphotic layer. Qualitatively, the model solutions agree fairly well with t
he in situ observed dynamics of the S + F biomass. The study of the: mathem
atical properties of the model, under some simplifying assumptions, shows t
he convergence of solutions to a stable cyclic equilibrium, whatever the fr
equencies of the physical synchronizers of the production. The sensitivity
analysis reveals the necessity of a better knowledge of the processes of bi
omass losses, which so far are uncertain, and may further vary in space and
time. ((C) Academie des sciences / Elsevier, Paris.)