During puberty, estrogen causes breast maturation and growth of the uterine
lining in girls, and accelerates linear growth and bone maturation in both
boys and girls. Decreasing the biosynthesis of estrogen can attenuate thes
e processes. In 12 girls with the McCune-Albright syndrome (MAS), in which
precocious puberty is due to production of estrogen from ovarian cysts, tes
tolactone (40 mg/kg per day) decreased the volume of ovarian cysts, the fre
quency of menses, and the rates of growth and bone maturation, for periods
of 1-4 years. in a 6-month pilot study of 12 children (eight boys; four gir
ls) with congenital adrenal hyperplasia, testolactone, in combination with
an antiandrogen (flutamide), a mineralocorticoid (fludrocortisone acetate,
Florinef), and a reduced glucocorticoid dose, improved the control of growt
h and bone maturation compared with conventional therapy. In a 6-year study
of 10 boys with familial male precocious puberty, testolactone, in combina
tion with an antiandrogen (spironolactone), decreased rates of growth and b
one maturation, and increased predicted adult height. All patients who deve
loped evidence for gonadotropin-dependent puberty were also treated with a
GnRH analog, Testolactone had no important adverse effects in any group of
patients, although the need for a four-times-daily dosing schedule made com
pliance difficult for many families. We conclude that suppressing of estrog
en with testolactone was effective therapy, and that more potent and specif
ic inhibitors of aromatase could further improve the treatment of these dis