Until recently there was no imaging technique available which could demonst
rate pathological changes in orbital tissues and could be regarded as a rel
iable measure of inflammation in thyroid eye disease (TED). Pentetreotide (
a synthetic derivative of somatostatin) labelled with In-111 has been used
to localize tumours which possess surface or membrane receptors for somatos
tatin in vivo using a gamma camera (1). This technique visualizes somatosta
tin receptors in endocrine-related tumours in vivo and predicts the inhibit
ory effect of the somatostatin analogue octreotide on hormone secretion by
the tumours (1), By applying In-111-DTPA-D-Phe octreotide scintigraphy (oct
reoscan), accumulation of the radionuclide was also detected in both the th
yroid and orbit of patients with Graves' disease (2 - 4). If peak activity
in the orbit 5 h after injection of radiolabelled octreotide is set at 100%
, a decrease to 40+/-4% is found at 24 h, significantly different from the
decrease in blood pool radioactivity: which is 15+/-4% at 24 h. Accumulatio
n of the radionuclide is most probably due to the presence in the orbital t
issue of activated lymphocytes bearing somatostatin receptors (5). Alternat
ive explanations are binding to receptors on other cell types (e.g. myoblas
ts, fibroblasts or endothelial cells) or local blood pooling due to venous
stasis by the autoimmune orbital inflammation.