Objective. To determine whether physician specialty was associated with dif
ferences in the quality of primary care practice and patient satisfaction i
n a large, group model HMO.
Data Sources/Study Setting. 10,608 patients ages 35-85 years, selected usin
g stratified probability sampling from the primary care panels of 60 family
physicians (FPs), 245 general internists (GIMs), and 55 subspecialty inter
nists (SIMs) at 13 facilities in the Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program
of Northern California. Patients were surveyed in 1995.
Study Design. A cross-sectional patient survey measured patient reports of
physician performance on primary care measures of coordination, comprehensi
veness, and accessibility of care, preventive care procedures, and health p
romotion. Additional items measured patient satisfaction and health values
and beliefs.
Principal Findings. Patients were remarkably similar across physician speci
alty groups in their health values and beliefs, ratings of the quality of p
rimary care, and satisfaction. Patients rated GIMs higher than FPs on coord
ination (adjusted mean scores 68.9 and 58.4 respectively, P < .001) and sli
ghtly higher on accessibility and prevention; GIMs were rated more highly t
han SIMs on comprehensiveness (adjusted mean scores 76.4 and 73.8, P < .01)
. There were no significant differences between specialty groups on a varie
ty of measures of patient satisfaction.
Conclusions. Few differences in the quality of primary care were observed b
y physician specialty in the setting of a large, well-established group mod
el HMO. These similarities may result from the direct influence of practice
setting on physician behavior and organization of care or, indirectly, thr
ough the types of physicians attracted to a well-established. group model H
MO. In some settings, practice organization may have more influence than ph
ysician specialty on the delivery of primary care.