The progress and challenges in thermal lattice-Boltzmann modeling are discu
ssed. In particular, momentum and energy closures schemes are contrasted. H
igher order symmetric (but no longer space filling) velocity lattices are c
onstructed for both 2D and 3D flows and shown to have superior stability pr
operties to the standard (but lower) symmetry lattices. While this decouple
s the velocity lattice from the spatial grid, the interpolation required fo
llowing free-streaming is just 1D. The connection between fixed lattice vec
tors and temperature-dependent lattice vectors (obtained in the Gauss-Hermi
te quadrature approach) is discussed. Some (compressible) Rayleigh-Benard s
imulations on the 2D octagonal lattice are presented for extended BGK colli
sion operators that allow for arbitrary Prandtl numbers.