PURPOSE. To investigate whether myopia is present in a breed of domestic do
g, the Labrador retriever, and how the ocular components are related to ref
ractive error in this breed.
METHODS. Cycloplegic refractive error was measured in 75 Labrador retriever
s by retinoscopy. Corneal and crystalline lens radii of curvature were meas
ured in the right eyes of 57 of these dogs using a video-based keratophakom
eter, with axial ocular dimensions measured using A-scan ultra-sonography.
RESULTS. Of the 75 dogs tested, 11 (14.7%) were myopic by at least -0.50 D
in one eye, and 6 (8.0%) were myopic in both eyes (full range of refractive
errors, +3.50 D to -5.00 D). Of the 57 dogs with ocular component measurem
ents, seven (12.3%) were myopic by at least -0.50 D in the right eye. There
was a significant negative correlation between refractive error and vitreo
us chamber depth (Spearman r = -0.42; P < 0.001). Myopic eyes had an elonga
ted vitreous chamber depth (10.87 +/- 0.34 mm for myopic dogs, 10.02 +/- 0.
40 mm for nonmyopic dogs; P < 0.0001, Kruskal-Wallis test). There was also
a significant quadratic association between lens thickness and vitreous cha
mber depth (P < 0.005, R-2 = 0.11), indicating that thinner lenses occurred
at both shorter and longer vitreous chamber depths.
CONCLUSIONS. Myopia in the Labrador retriever is analogous to human myopia
in that it is caused by an elongated vitreous chamber. Thinner crystalline
lenses found at longer vitreous chamber depths may be analogous to lens thi
nning documented in human ocular development. The Labrador retriever warran
ts investigation as a potential model of myopia that is naturally occurring
rather than experimentally induced.