It is well established that waves propagating through a viscoelastic medium
experience both attenuation and frequency modulation. For the case of infi
nitesimal waves, linear theory may be utilized to solve the boundary value
problem for either a complex wavenumber or a complex frequency, the imagina
ry components corresponding to exponential decay in space and time, respect
ively. Recent contributions to the body of literature on weakly nonlinear r
esonant interactions have demonstrated that, in an inviscid two-layer syste
m, internal waves can be parametrically excited by surface waves. Exponenti
al growth, rather than decay, of the internal waves has been predicted and
conclusively verified in the laboratory. The two mechanisms are considered
together in the current paper. By considering a two-layer system possessing
both weak nonlinearity and viscoelasticity, the competition between the tw
o effects is demonstrated. It is found that viscoelasticity reduces the exp
onential growth rate of the internal waves. Sufficiently large viscoelastic
ity is found to completely suppress the destabilizing effects of the nonlin
earity. General results as well as results for conditions characteristic of
an estuarine environment are presented.