We examined the frequency characteristics of human postural coordination an
d the role of visual information in this coordination. Eight healthy adults
maintained balance in stance during sinusoidal support surface translation
s (12 cm peak to peak) in the anterior-posterior direction at six different
frequencies. Changes in kinematic and dynamic measures revealed that both
sensory and biomechanical constraints limit postural coordination patterns
as a function of translation frequency. At slow frequencies (0.1 and 0.25 H
z), subjects ride the platform (with the eyes open or closed). For fast fre
quencies (1.0 and 1.25 Hz) with the eyes open, subjects fix their head and
upper trunk in space. With the eyes closed, large-amplitude, slow-sway moti
on of the head and trunk occurred for fast frequencies above 0.5 Hz. Visual
information stabilized posture by reducing the variability of the head's p
osition in space and the position of the center of mass (CoM) within the su
pport surface defined by the feet for all but the slowest translation frequ
encies. When subjects rode the platform, there was Little oscillatory joint
motion, with muscle activity limited mostly to the ankles. To support the
head fixed in space and slow-sway postural patterns, subjects produced stab
le interjoint hip and ankle joint coordination patterns. This increase in j
oint motion of the lower body dissipated the energy input by fast translati
on frequencies and facilitated the control of upper body motion. CoM amplit
ude decreased with increasing translation frequency, whereas the center of
pressure amplitude increased with increasing translation frequency. Our res
ults suggest that visual information was important to maintaining a fixed p
osition of the head and trunk in space, whereas proprioceptive information
was sufficient to produce stable coordinative patterns between the support
surface and legs. The CNS organizes postural patterns in this balance task
as a function of available sensory information, biomechanical constraints,
and translation frequency.