Twelve ankles in 11 consecutive patients with recurrent peroneal tendo
n dislocations were studied after undergoing a fibular grooving proced
ure. The mean age of the patients was 25 years (range, 13 to 45). The
mean time from initial injury to surgery was 18 months, and the mean f
ollow-up time was 6 years. All patients had preoperative peroneal tend
erness; 9 of 12 ankles had active peroneal tendon subluxation on exami
nation. All patients had failed results from nonoperative treatments o
f rehabilitation and bracing. Before the fibular grooving procedure, 1
0 ankles were shown to have intraarticular pathologic changes on arthr
oscopic evaluation. Postoperatively, there were no resubluxations. Ele
ven ankles were pain-free, 10 had full and symmetric range of motion,
and 1 patient lost 3 degrees of eversion. Ten patients were able to re
turn to full unrestricted activities including all previous sports. El
even ankles were rated as excellent results. Complications included su
ture abscesses in two patients and refractory pain in one patient who
had multiple surgeries for subtalar pain but had no peroneal resubluxa
tion. Recurrent peroneal tendon subluxation is an uncommon problem. An
accurate diagnosis is essential. The fibular grooving procedure appea
rs to reproducibly alleviate resubluxation of the peroneal tendons and
diminish pain. It also allows for retainment of motion and subsequent
return to work and sports with a high satisfaction rate.