Hf-167 was populated at low and high spins via the heavy-ion fusion reactio
ns Gd-155(O-16,4n) at 85 MeV and Nd-146(Mg-26,5n) at 147 MeV, respectively.
Seven rotational bands were observed; four of them art: new, and the known
bands are extended to much higher spin. A total Routhian surface plus a cr
anked shell-model calculation enabled quasiparticle configurations to be as
signed to the respective bands via comparison with the extracted alignment
gains and Routhians from experiment. Evidence is presented for the observat
ion of a quasiproton crossing at h omega=0.51 MeV in Hf-167. The gamma-ray
flux appears to fractionate above this frequency. [S0556-2813(99)02405-X].