Predictions of the intranuclear-cascade model taking into account the trawl
ing of a target nucleus by cascade particles have been compared with the re
sults of the latest experiments that recorded all decay products (nucleons,
extremely light nuclei, and medium-mass fragments) in coincidence, along w
ith the excitation energy E* of residual nuclei formed in the interactions
of intermediate-energy particles with protons, antiprotons, and He-3 nuclei
. Good agreement between the theoretical and experimental results has been
obtained for multiplicity distributions of decay products and for excitatio
n-energy distributions of residual nuclei. It has been shown that hot nucle
i with excitation energies in the range 0.5 < E* < 1 GeV are produced with
a sizable probability in the deep-inelastic interactions of intermediate-en
ergy particles with nuclei. In such collisions, the most copious production
of hot nuclei is induced by antiprotons for primary energies in the region
T < 1 GeV and by He-3 and He-4 nuclei for primary energies in the region T
> 3 GeV. The shape of residual nuclei have been calculated. For nuclei pro
duced in nearly central collisions, it proved to be markedly different from
the spherical one.