A retrospective longitudinal study was conducted to identify risk factors a
ssociated with Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium (S. typhimurium) inf
ection in Danish broiler flocks. The data included all broiler flocks slaug
htered in 1995, and the epidemiological unit was the individual broiler flo
ck. The S. typhimurium status was determined by microbiological examination
of 60 fresh fecal samples. This procedure should detect an infected flock
with a probability above 95%, if the prevalence is above 5%, and given that
the sensitivity of the test is 100%.
Nineteen variables were selected for analysis. Five factors and an interact
ion term were found significant by multivariate logistic regression analysi
s. An increased risk for S, typhimurium infection was associated with two p
arent flocks, one confirmed infected and one suspected of being infected wi
th S. typhimurium, with two of the hatcheries, and with five houses on the
farm. An interaction between season anal the previously mentioned hatcherie
s, and a random effect at farm level was also found to be statistically sig
Twelve variables were not found to be associated with S, typhimurium infect
ion: medication, growth promoters, breed of the laying flock, animal densit
y, size of the flock, area of the house, age of the house, geographical loc
ation of the farm, observation of beetles, number of days between disinfect
ion and replacement, visual appearance of the bedding, and age of the chick
ens when they were tasted for Salmonella. Three variables (feed mill, slaug
hterhouse,and Salmonella status of the preceding flock) were not evaluated
in the multivariate analysis due to collinearity with other included variab