The digestion in the proximal intestine of mixed meals (5 160 kJ) containin
g either native (NS) or pregelatinized (PS) maize starches (approximate to
200 g), and the postprandial glycaemic responses they induced were compared
in pigs. For both meals, approximate to 25 % of the ingested starch was as
similated above the duodenal cannula (positioned 75 cm beyond the pylorus).
Larger amounts of starch were collected for NS than for PS during the firs
t 30 min. The glycaemic responses, however, indicated a higher rate of gluc
ose absorption for PS during the first 30 min, which could be explained by
the higher susceptibility of PS to hydrolysis, as we observed in vivo. Inde
ed, malto-oligosaccharides (G1-G3) represented almost 80 % of the total cr-
glucans collected at 150 min in the duodenum after the PS meal. At th at ti
me, alter the NS me al, only 30 % of the alpha-glucans we re malto-oligosa
ccharides. Th us, even after a mixed meal, the starch digestion rate can al
ter the observed postprandial glycaemic response. (C) Inra/Elsevier, Paris.