The two-dimensional Helmholtz equation for problems where the physical doma
in consists of layers with different material properties is studied. An eff
icient preconditioner for iterative solution of the problem is constructed.
The problem is discretized with fourth-order accurate finite difference ope
rators. For the construction of the radiation boundary conditions a fourth-
order finite element method also is used.
The large, sparse, complex, indefinite, and ill-conditioned system of equat
ions that arises is solved with preconditioned restarted GMRES. A domain de
composition method is used, in which the preconditioning is based on the Sc
hur complement algorithm with "fast Poisson-type" preconditioners for the s
ubdomains. The memory requirements for the preconditioner are nearly linear
in the number of unknowns. The arithmetic complexity for each iteration is
low, whereas the construction of the preconditioner is a bit more expensiv
Electromagnetic wave propagation in a three-layered waveguide is used as a
model problem. Numerical experiments show that convergence is achieved in a
few iterations. Compared with banded Gaussian elimination, which is a stan
dard solution method, the iterative method shows significant gain in both m
emory requirements and arithmetic complexity. Furthermore, the relative gai
n grows when the problem size increases.