Introduction: Psychological instability as a result of changing hormone lev
els are commonly observed during menopause. We examined the question whethe
r the prescription of psychotropic drugs is related to age or gender and wh
ether the increase in the prescription rate of hormone substitutes has an i
mpact on this phenomenon.
Methods: Age and gender-specific prescription rates of psychotropic drugs a
nd hormone substitutes were examined in a retrospective study using data of
the European Pharmaceutical Market Research Association of Austria. The re
levant Austrian figures were established on the basis of representative sam
Results: There are no gender-specific differences in terms of prescription
frequency up to the age of 45 years. After the age of 45, there is a signif
icant increase in the prescription of psychotropic drugs for women. When co
mparing the years 1991 and 1996, we find a reduction in the number of presc
riptions of psychotropic drugs and an increase in the prescription rate of
hormone replacement drugs.
Discussion: An increase in the prescription rate of hormone substitutes may
contribute to the psychological stabilisation of menopausal women and ther
eby reduce the need for psychotropic drugs.