We recently reported on selective interactions between immature T cell
subpopulations and bone marrow (BM) stromal cells. To further study t
his process, we first examined the efficacy of methods estimating cell
-cell adhesion and then investigated the effects of cytokines on thymo
cyte-stroma associations. Techniques based on the use of the fluorochr
omes calcein-acetomethylester (calcein-AM) and fluorescein diacetate (
FDA) were studied and compared to regular cell counting methods. With
calcein-AM labeling, the retention time was relatively long, while wit
h FDA labeling, there was a rapid cellular efflux. Using calcein-AM, w
e developed an accurate quantitative fluorometric assay for determinin
g the adherence of thymocytes to a BM stromal cell line (MBA-13). A ma
ximal fraction of about 29% thymocytes was found to adhere to confluen
t MBA-13 cell layers after four to six h of coculture. Whereas interle
ukin 1 did not change the rate of adhesion of thymocytes to the stroma
, interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) significantly increased adhesion. Basic
fihroblast growth factor (bFGF) had a dose-dependent biphasic effect
on thymocyte adhesion, and a greater fraction of double negative thymo
cytes adhered to stroma pretreated with bFGP. Taken together, these re
sults suggest that IFN-gamma and bFGF modulate T cells-BM stromal cell