Colorectal cancer progression involves changes in phenotype and genotype. A
lthough usually illustrated as a linear process, more complex underlying pa
thways have not been excluded. The object of this paper is to apply modern
quantitative principles of molecular evolution to multistep tumor progressi
on. To reconstruct progression Lineages, the genotypes of two adjacent aden
oma-cancer pairs were determined by serial dilution and polymerase chain re
action at 28-30 microsatellite (MS) loci and then traced back to their most
recent common ancestor. The tumors were mismatch repair deficient, and the
refore relatively large numbers of MS mutations should accumulate during pr
ogression. As expected, the MS genotypes were similar (correlation coeffici
ents >0.9) between different parts of the same adenoma or cancer, but very
different (correlation coefficients <0.2) between unrelated metachronous ad
enoma-cancer pairs. Unexpectedly, the genotypes of the adjacent adenoma-can
cer pairs were also very different (correlation coefficients of 0.30 and 0.
36), consistent with early adenoma-cancer divergence rather than direct lin
ear progression, More than 60% of the divisions occurred after this early a
denoma-cancer divergence. Therefore, the tumor phylogenies were not consist
ent with sequential stepwise selection along a single most "fit" and freque
nt lineage from adenoma to cancer. Instead, one effective early progression
strategy creates and maintains multiple evolving candidate lineages, which
are subsequently selected for terminal clonal expansion.