Previous electric birefringence experiments have shown that the actin-activ
ated Mg2+-ATPase activity of Acanthamoeba myosin II correlates with the abi
lity of minifilaments to cycle between flexible and stiff conformations. Th
e cooperative transition between conformations was shown to depend on Mg2concentration, on ATP binding, and on the state of phosphorylation of three
serines in the C-terminal end of the heavy chains. Since the junction betw
een the heavy meromyosin (HMM) and light meromyosin (LMM) regions is expect
ed to disrupt the alpha-helical coiled-coil structure of the rod, this regi
on was anticipated to be the flexible site. We have now cloned and expresse
d the wild-type rod (residues 849-1509 of the full-length heavy chain) and
rods mutated within the junction in order to test this. The sedimentation a
nd electric birefringence properties of minifilaments formed by rods and by
native myosin II are strikingly similar. In particular, the Mg2+-dependent
flexible-to-stiff transitions of native myosin II and wild-type rod minifi
laments are virtually superimposable. Mutations within the junction between
the HMM and LMM regions of the rod modulate the ability of Mg2+ to stabili
ze the stiff conformation. Less Mg2+ is required to induce minifilament sti
ffening if proline-1244 is replaced with alanine. Deleting the entire junct
ion region (25 amino acids) results in a even greater decrease in the Mg2concentration necessary for the transition. The HMM-LMM junction does indee
d seem to act as a Mg2+-dependent flexible hinge.