The increasing incidence of high-grade astrocytomas in the elderly the asso
ciations between these malignancies and environmental factors, and case rep
orts suggesting a familial component to these tumors prompted this study of
primary brain tumors in first-degree relatives and spouses. This article d
escribes the findings in 154 patients from 72 consecutive families accrued
to the National Familial Brain Tumor Registry from 1991 to 1996. Medical re
cords, pathological slides, and demographic darn were reviewed for each ide
ntified case. Parents and children were affected in 33 families, siblings i
n 27 and husbands and wives in 12. The median age of the patients was 50.5
years, 55% were men, and 70% had high-grade astrocytomas. The pattern of tu
mor occurrence in this population is different from most familial cancers.
These tumors did not involve multiple generations or occur at an unusually
early age. In addition, the cases tended to cluster in time, with 47% of th
e familial and 50% of the husband-wife cases occurring within a 5-year span
. In families with art affected parent and child, the diagnosis was made in
the child before the parent in 45% of the cases. Prognostic factors for th
ese patients appear to be similar to that reported for typical high-grade a
strocytomas. This study demonstrates that primary brain rumors can occur in
families without a known predisposing hereditary disease. The ages of thes
e patients, the clustering of cases in time, the few affected generations,
and the occurrence of brain turners in spouses suggest that environmental e
xposures may be important in the etiology of this neoplasm. Although this h
ypothesis requires further study, it is plausible given the known associati
ons in animals and humans between high-grade astrocytomas and radiation tox
ic chemicals and viruses.