this paper presents data on the efficacy of a diabetes day treatment progra
m to modify, the healthcare behavior of elderly African Americans with diab
African American patients with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes who were referred
by their certified diabetes educator were eligible to participate in the da
y treatment program. The program was designed to serve eight patients for 4
hours 1! day a week over 9 months. Participants engaged in informal discus
sions, low-impact armchair exercises, and discussions of various diabetes i
ssues. A flow sheet was initiated and maintained by the investigators to re
cord information pertaining to each participant's blood pressure, blood sug
ar, and weight at each session. Attendance and reasons for not attending se
ssions were recorded. To obtain more in-depth information, the group leader
s used a technique Known as participant observation.
Having CDEs administer a blood sugar test, take blood pressure, and weigh e
ach patient at each clinic visit promotes patient adherence to the diabetes
treatment regimen, memory loss was observed to be especially prevalent amo
ng the subjects.
The Diabetes Day Treatment Program may be used as a model for working with
elderly persons with diabetes from different ethnic groups.