Lythrum salicaria L. is a generalist species that can grow under a wide ran
ge of habitat conditions, both in its native distribution (Eurasia) and in
Worth America, where it is a successful invader of temperate wetlands. Comp
arison of the European and U.S. habitats was a preliminary part of a larger
project studying the life history traits of native and invasive population
s of L. salicaria, when growing under different environmental conditions, M
ultivariate statistical analyses, using relativized Bray-Curtis ordinations
, found that the sites separate along environmental gradients. This allowed
for the establishment of experiments under natural settings; geographic ef
fects were studied for populations growing under similar habitat conditions
but in different regions of the species distribution in North America.
The U.S. and European populations were measured during different growing pe
riods. In order for comparisons to be meaningful, they must be done when cl
imatic conditions were similar. Statistical analyses, using non-randomized
nested designs for daily high and low temperatures and bimonthly precipitat
ion amounts, showed that the European sites had similar temperature regimes
as those in the U.S. Also, a more rainy growing season followed a drier on
e on both continents.