A considerable fraction of the methane that is produced by landfills is oxi
dized by its covering soil before it can reach the atmosphere. This process
was studied in soil columns that simulate landfill cover soil environments
. The methane uptake was followed as a function of time. In soils of agricu
ltural origin, a maximum value of 10.7 mot m(column)(-2) d(-1) was observed
. Mixing sugar beet leaves with the soil led to a temporary stimulation of
the methane oxidation rate, whereas a wheat straw amendment led to permanen
t stimulation. Soil originating from a real landfill cover oxidized on the
order of 15 mol m(column)(-2) d(-1), the highest value found in the literat
ure to date. The soil gas composition was studied as a function of depth. W
ith a new hatch incubation technique, methane oxidation kinetics were deter
mined in samples taken from the soil column. By combining this kinetic data
with the soil gas composition data, the actively methane oxidizing zone in
the soil column could be determined and an in situ assessment of oxygen li
mitation could be performed. Methane oxidation takes place mainly in the Po
p 30 cm of the covering soil.