The effect of plant breeding on yield and their physiological determinants
has been widely studied in wheat. However, it is poorly understood how, and
to what extent, yield stability has been modified. To attempt a direct ana
lysis of changes in absolute and relative yield stability, data of yield of
cultivars released in different eras in different environments were obtain
ed from records from our lab and from the literature. Depending on the avai
lability of data, effects of plant breeding on yield stability of cultivars
released in Argentina, Australia, Italy and the United Kingdom were evalua
ted using a quantitative approach. In this paper it was assumed that the sl
ope of yield vs, environmental index estimates the instability of the culti
vars. In addition, a more qualitative approach for Mexico, and the former U
SSR complemented this analysis.
There was a clear decrease in yield stability assessed in absolute terms as
a consequence of wheat breeding. In Argentina, Australia, Italy and the UK
this decrease was related to the magnitude of yield increases. However, th
e decrease in yield stability in Argentina and Australia was less than for
Italy and the UK, particularly so during the last 30 years. Modern cultivar
s released in Argentina and Australia showed a trend to maintain yield stab
ility as a percentage of their yield similar to that of their predecessors,
while the two European countries analysed tended to a slight decrease in y
ield stability even in relative terms. The complementary, less quantitative
evaluation of Mexico and the former USSR appeared to confirm the quantitat
ive trends described for the other countries, i.e. a general decrease in yi
eld stability (assessed in absolute terms) with genetic gains in yield pote