An 8-month-old girl presented with clitoromegaly, cushingoid features and a
large abdominal tumour. Ultrasonography (LTS) and computed tomography (CT)
of the abdomen revealed a tumour of the left suprarenal gland, 12 x 11 x 7
cm in size. Serum levels of cortisol, testosterone and DHEA-S, and urinary
extretion of 17-ketosteroids and 17-hydroxycorticoids were increased. Comp
lete removal of the tumour was accomplished through a transabdominal approa
ch. The diagnosis of adrenocortical carcinoma was confirmed histologically,
Three months after the first operation, a recurrent tumour of the left rena
l hilus, 23 x 15 mm in size, was identified by US and verified by aspiratio
n biopsy. The tumour was removed by the transabdominal route. In this repor
t, we discuss the diagnosis and treatment of this rare disease.