The imaging findings that ultrasonographically differentiate focal acute pa
ncreatitis (FAP) from a malignant lesion of the pancreas are described. Foc
al acute pancreatitis is ultrasonographically (US) characterized as a hypoe
choic, homogeneous, localized, subsegmental, non-expansive and diffusely de
marcated lesion located mostly in the head of the pancreas. It could not be
visualized using CT Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
performed in 13 of the 32 patients, showed chronic pancreatitis. Focal acut
e pancreatitis disappeared in 1-6 months at US follow-up. The clinical diag
noses were acute pancreatitis in 11 patients, chronic pancreatitis in 12 pa
tients, biliary disease in 5 patients, hepatopathia in 1 patient while the
diagnosis was known in 2 patients. No patient developed any pancreatic canc
er during a median of 85 months of follow-up. In conclusion, the present da
ta indicate that patients with FAP at US, without any focal lesion seen on
either CT or ERCP, have a benign pancreatic lesion, which resolves in 1-6 m
onths; thus, such patients probably do not need any further investigation o
r follow-up at all.