Conventional radiographs remain the initial imaging modality involved in th
e diagnosis of osteomyelitis. Bone scintigraphy and its specific agents did
not only eliminate the problems of inherent low sensitivity of conventiona
l radiographs, but also increased the specificity to higher degrees. Spiral
CT, on the other hand, has solved several diagnostic problems, such as ost
eomyelitis of the sterno-clavicular junction and hidden areas in the pelvic
bones. Magnetic resonance imaging with its multiplanar capability, greater
anatomic details and excellent soft tissue bone marrow contrast resolution
has a significant role in surgical planning and limb preservation. Ultraso
und and US-guided aspiration has recently been involved in the diagnosis an
d management of osteomyelitis with several advantages particularly in child
ren. Our goal in this review is to outline the ability of various imaging t
echniques by comparing their strengths and weaknesses in the diagnosis of o
steomyelitis. Finally, we suggest various imaging algorithms for specific c
linical scenarios. Spondylitis and septic arthritis are not discussed in th
is review.