The development of instruments to quantitate health-related quality of life
(HRQOL) includes taking the appropriate and, in fact, essential steps to e
nsure that the designated tool measures what it purports to measure and doe
s it accurately and reliably. Such steps are not only critical in the devel
opment of appropriate tools, but, when clearly presented, also serve to pro
ve to the reader land reviewers) that the instrument is a legitimate one. K
ey to the development of any HRQOL instrument are three fundamental concept
s: validity, reliability, and responsiveness, Validity proves that the inst
rument measures what it claims to measure. Reliability proves that the resu
lts are reproducible in a stable setting, Responsiveness proves that the in
strument is sensitive enough to record important differences or changes. Ea
ch of these principles is discussed, including some examples of the applica
tion of these principles in previously published HRQOL studies, The studies
referenced are excellent examples of the methods used in the creation of a
HRQOL scale, and the reader is strongly encouraged to review these in thei
r entirety to fully grasp the concepts.