We describe a general approach to optimization which we term "Squeaky Wheel
" Optimization (SWO). In SWO, a greedy algorithm is used to construct a sol
ution which is then analyzed to find the trouble spots, i.e., those element
s, that, if improved, are likely to improve the objective function score. T
he results of the analysis are used to generate new priorities that determi
ne the order in which the greedy algorithm constructs the next solution. Th
is Construct/Analyze/Prioritize cycle continues until some limit is reached
, or an acceptable solution is found.
SWO can be viewed as operating on two search spaces: solutions and prioriti
zations. Successive solutions are only indirectly related, via the re-prior
itization that results from analyzing the prior solution. Similarly, succes
sive prioritizations are generated by constructing and analyzing solutions.
This "coupled search" has some interesting properties, which we discuss.
We report encouraging experimental results on two domains, scheduling probl
ems that arise in fiber-optic cable manufacturing, and graph coloring probl
ems. The fact that these domains are very different supports our claim that
SWO is a general technique for optimization.