Objective: To develop national charts of birthweight percentiles by gestati
onal age and infant sex for liveborn twins born in Australia.
Methodology: National data on live twin births to non-indigenous Australian
-born mothers during 1991-94 were derived from perinatal data collected by
midwives in each State and Territory.
Results: During 1991-4 there were 20 075 liveborn twin infants. Of these bi
rths, missing data included: birthweight 36 (0.2%) births, gestational age
95 (0.5%) births, and sex (missing or indeterminate) 13 (0.06%) births. The
se births were excluded from the study. An additional 0.6% births were excl
uded because the recorded birthweights were extreme outliers for the record
ed gestational ages. Forty-seven per cent of live twin births were preterm
(< 37 weeks). At all gestational ages, the median birthweight of male twins
was higher than that of female twins. At modal gestational age of 38 weeks
, the difference in the median birthweight was 130 g.
Conclusions: The charts produced as a result of the study provide birthweig
ht percentiles by gestational age for twins based on national data in Austr
alia. They provide current population norms for the use of Australian clini
cians and researchers.