Objective: To determine whether boys meeting diagnostic criteria for juveni
le mania and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (mania-ADHD) may be d
istinguished from boys with ADHD alone on a range of clinical and family va
Methodology: Boys aged 9-13 years with mania-ADHD (n = 25), ADHD alone (n =
99), or no psychiatric diagnosis (n = 27) were compared on parent and teac
her report Child Behavior Checklists (CBCL) and Conners Questionnaires, sel
f-report CBCLs, patterns of comorbidity, intellectual functioning, and fami
ly variables.
Results: Mania-ADHD subjects had significantly higher mean ratings than ADH
D only subjects on the parent CBCL for the Withdrawn, Thought Problems, Del
inquent Behavior and Aggressive Behavior scales and significantly higher ra
tes of comorbid depression, anxiety and psychotic symptoms. Other Variables
did not distinguish the mania-ADHD and ADHD only groups.
Conclusions: These data confirm previous research indicating that the CBCL
may be used to assist in the clinical identification of manic children.