45287 P-wave and 26813 S-wave arrival times from the data base of the Costa
Rica network have been tomographically inverted to image the structure ben
eath Costa Rica. A regularized recursive least squares inverse method was u
sed to produce the high resolution and minimum variance model parameter est
imates. The first arrival times are calculated using a finite difference te
chnique, which allows for flexible parameterization of the velocity model a
nd easy inclusion of topography and source-receiver geometry. The P wave ve
locity structure and hypocenters are determined simultaneously, while the S
wave velocity structure is determined using the relocated seismicity and a
n initial model derived from the P wave model assuming an average P to S wa
ve velocity ratio of 1.78. The most prominent features in the inverted mode
l are a low velocity structure under the volcanic chain in the center of th
e country, which is related to the hot material connected with the active v
olcanoes; and a high velocity zone in the mantle, which is related to the C
ocos plate subducted under Costa Rica.