PURPOSE: To define the size and appearance of the normal fetal third v
entricle. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The third ventricle was prospectively
assessed in 441 consecutive normal second- and third-trimester fetuse
s. The fetuses were divided into six gestational age ranges. Data rega
rding the size and configuration of the third ventricle were analyzed
for each group. RESULTS: The third ventricle was seen in 435 of 440 (9
8.9%) fetuses. It appeared as a single echogenic line between the thal
ami in 171 (38.9%) fetuses, as parallel echogenic lines outlining a fl
uid-filled lumen in 243 (55.2%) fetuses, and as divergent lines deline
ating a V-shaped fluid-filled structure in 21 (4.8%) fetuses. The sing
le-line configuration was most common early in the second trimester. L
ater in pregnancy, the ventricle walls could be discerned as separate
parallel or divergent lines outlining a fluid-filled lumen. The averag
e width of the ventricle was relatively constant at approximately 1 mm
from 12 to 28 weeks. After this time, it enlarged, reaching a maximum
1.9 mm. CONCLUSION: The third ventricle can be imaged in most second-
and third-trimester fetuses. Its size and configuration evolve throug
h the second and third trimesters. This evolution must be considered i
n the evaluation of normality. At any gestational age, a third ventric
le greater than 3.5 mm in width should be viewed with concern for abno